The WTA Mission To advocate, promote, develop and sustain the economic well being of the Washington Tourism Industry. History and Background The WTA was born of tourism industry advocacy initiatives to sustain the Washington State tourism program. The WTA was created in February 2011 following the announcement of the closure of the Washington State Tourism office at the end of the 2009-2011 biennium. The WTA immediately set forth to protect and preserve a number of ongoing state tourism programs and valuable marketing assets of great importance to the industry. In addition, the WTA began to create a long-term strategy for funding, development and marketing of a new, industry driven state destination tourism initiative. Advocacy United and representing the “collective” voice of Travel, Tourism & Hospitality, WTA will work to protect the political and legislative interests of our members at the state level. Collaboration WTA members benefit by WTA partnering with other tourism industry organizations such as Washington Lodging Association (WLA), Washington Restaurant Association (WRA), and the Washington State Destination Marketing Organizations Association (WSDMO) and others. We will provide a variety of forums for engaging with colleagues, and encourage you to join committees and attend meetings for networking opportunities throughout the year. The Future We are currently developing opportunities for members of WTA. Many ideas are being considered, including educational opportunities, statewide industry events, special member discounts, research and statistic information, and sponsorship and advertising opportunities. This Alliance is just beginning to shape and mold the future of the industry.
Washington Tourism Alliance701 Pike Street , Suite 800
Seattle, Washington 98104