Thurston Bountiful Byway Agritourism Project
At Experience Olympia & Beyond, our goal is to promote our county's bountiful and unique agritourism, and specifically the Thurston Bountiful Byway. Ready to help? As a partner, we're excited to provide you with information and opportunities that will help put the Bountiful Byway on the map!
What is the Thurston Bountiful Byway?
The Thurston Bountiful Byway is a 60-mile loop tour covering rural Thurston County, promoting the agricultural aspects of our region including farms, farmers markets selling product produced locally and businesses sourcing from local farms. The route starts in the outskirts of Lacey in the Nisqually Valley, stretches south to the city of Yelm and west to the Capitol State Forest before ending at the intersection of Mud Bay Road and Delphi Road SW. Along the way you can explore dozens of special stops and activities including creameries, nurseries, wineries, sculpture gardens, and historic sites. There are more than 20 suggested agricultural, ecological and cultural stops along the Bountiful Byway. Pick a day and stop at as many attractions as time allows.
Be A Part of the Thurston Bountiful Byway
Interested in signing up for your business to be a part of the Thurston Bountiful Byway? Partner businesses must promote locally grown and produced agricultural products, goods and services or emphasize local rural and agricultural attributes such as specialty crops, farming and rural culture, native and natural resources, local history, local food networks and relationships, and other elements that highlight the importance of local agriculture. Other criteria may apply. All businesses are subject to approval by a seven-member citizen Agritourism Advisory Committee.
Byway partner benefits include but are not limited to:
- Upgraded listing on the searchable Thurston Bountiful Byway partner network on the Experience Olympia & Beyond website.
- Inclusion in the digital Thurston Bountiful Byway Map available on the Experience Olympia & Beyond website (downloadable).
- Inclusion in Thurston Bountiful Byway media pitches and additional promotion on social media and in blogs where appropriate (all content curated by Experience Olympia & Beyond staff.)
- Invitations to partner networking and educational events.
For consideration, please fill out the form below.
Participate on the Committee
Experience Olympia & Beyond runs bi-monthly meetings where citizens can offer input into the marketing plan for the Thurston Bountiful Byway. The citizen advisory committee consists of seven members, each appointed by the Thurston Board of County Commissioners. Two positions are open. Please click here if you'd like to participate.
Agritourism Advisory Meetings
Next Meeting:
Past Meeting Agendas & Minutes:
- Agenda October 22, 2024
- Agenda July 23, 2024
- Agenda May 23, 2024
- Agenda Mar 26, 2024
- Agenda Jan 30, 2024
- Agenda Nov 7, 2023
- Agenda Sep 26, 2023
- Agenda July 29, 2023
- Agenda May 30, 2023
- Agenda March 28, 2023
- Agenda January 31, 2023
- Agenda November 8, 2022
- Agenda September 27, 2022
- Agenda July 26, 2022
- Agenda May 24, 2022
- Agenda March 22, 2022
- Agenda January 25, 2022
- Agenda November 2, 2021
- Agenda September 28, 2021
- Agenda July 27, 2021
- Agenda May 25, 2021
- Agenda March 23, 2021
- Agenda January 26, 2021
Corridor Management Plan
Experience Olympia & Beyond, in partnership with consultant company Otak, Inc., released a draft of a Corridor Management Plan (CMP) for the Thurston Bountiful Byway in December 2022. The organization held six public workshops and created an online tool to accept public input for the CMP, with community members along the byway offering suggestions for destinations, experiences and desired improvements along the route. The CMP provides the framework for a strategic plan to enhance visitor experiences and expand tourism opportunities for rural Thurston County.
Please click below to view the document.